NET debugger and assembly editor, dnSpy.ĭecompile and Compare. NET Decompiler with support for PDB generation, ReadyToRun, Metadata (&more).
If DLLs are missing from the managed directory, try dumping them using MegaDumper tool. Extracting and editing codeĬ# and UnityScript files are compiled into the Assembly-CSharp.dll and Assembly-UnityScript.dll DLLs respectively, which can be found inside the Managed folder.ĭLLs can be decompiled using ILSpy, dnSpy, DotPeek or JustAssembly which allow modifying and recompiling assembly files. With * : The name of the main executable (.exe). assets)ĭLL file containing compiled UnityScript files resource and info such as audio size/offset still stored inside. Raw Assets found in the project resources folders and their dependencies are stored in this file (as well as raw audio files, even if outside of Resources folder in Unity, AudioClips with references to.
Game assets are split into sharedassets and. Data folder containing the game resourcesįiles containing game scenes data, each scene has its own file